Sunday, January 15, 2012

Divya Kesh Tail (Ayurvedic Herbal Hair Oil for Hair Loss, Dandruff and Headache)

Divya Kesh Tail (Ayurvedic Herbal Hair Oil for Hair Loss, Dandruff and Headache) Review

Divya Kesh Tail (Ayurvedic Herbal Hair Oil for Hair Loss, Dandruff and Headache) Feature

  • Cures untimely hair fall, dandruff, alopecia, premature graying of hair, etc.
  • Divya Kesh Tail Herbal Ayurvedic Oil is like nectar for your hair.
  • By applying this oil, hair becomes healthy & luxurious.
  • As it is prepared with many celestial herbs, it also strengthens your eyes & brain.
  • Also useful in headache & different types of head-diseases.
Divya Kesh Tail Herbal Ayurvedic Oil is like nectar for your hair; it cures untimely hair fall, dandruff, alopecia, premature graying of hair, etc. By applying this oil, hair becomes healthy & luxurious. As it is prepared with many celestial herbs, it also strengthens your eyes & brain, as well as cools the brain. Also useful in headache & different types of head-diseases. Manufactured by Swami Ramdev's Divya Yoga Trust. Mode of Administration: Apply it to the hair roots, massage well. To have more effect it should not be washed out. Main Ingredients: Bhringa-raja, Brahmi, Amalakl (Amala), Shweta Chandana, Daru-haridra, Kamala (lotus), Ananta-mula, Ketaki, Jata-mamsi, Nilini (indigo), Ratan-jot, Gunja (white variety), Priyangu, Lodhra, Naga-kesara, Mushta (Nagar-motha), Bala, sesame oil, etc.

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